.英语水平的确不好..打电话过去呢边的人can l help you?我说 是的 她说:can you speak english?
问答/461℃/2025-02-13 13:19:07
Hello.I 'd like to ask some questions .I want to challenge the hamburgers in your store.Must I finish eating within 2 hours if I do it by myself?Do we need to pay 35 yuan if the two of us take the challenge?Are hamburgers and the seats available the minute we come or must we make an appointment
再问: 我在线..修改一下立马采纳你..不是pay 35 yuan,是在原来的价格上加上35元,就是一个人是xx价格,二个人的话就是xxyuan+35yuan
再答: 那就是Do we need to pay another35 yuan if the two of us take the challenge?
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