So I get up in the morning and go to bed at nine 这句念白是哪首歌里的
So I get up in the morning and go to bed at nine 这句念白是哪首歌里的
一首英文歌里有一句So I get up in the morning and go to bed at nine 一个女生的念白
那首歌啊到底是OTZ 死活想不起来
问答/219℃/2025-03-26 20:57:02
应该是这个I Get Up In The Morning
I get up in the morning
Go to bed at night
I turned it off,I shut it down
I closed shop I'm outta town
I'm by the wayside I'm up the drink
Not in the bl black but ut I'm in the pink
Oh what hat was that?Did you say something?
must admit I really wasn't listening
Oh what a jerk I feel so silly
I must apologize I was busy getting
Up in the morning,go to bed of night
Well,I got my troubles,I got my problems-
And someday maybe I'll even solve 'em but
I don't worry,I'm in the groove
My brain thinks and my bowels move
In the morning,go to bed of night
First I get up
Then I get down
Well I don't drive,I take the bus I must
Say I feel like a part of the rest of us
Bot I don't trust no one no more
Oh I'm not bitter,I'm not sore
I know you're worried,you're all distressd
You feel the tension then get depressed
But I don't squibble and I don't cry
'Cause,I don't care and I抣l tell you why
I get up in the morning,go to bed at night
再问: 歌名是什么呢?I Get Up In The Morning没搜到啊
再答: I get up in the morning求采纳我搜了能搜到啊
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