For many years,people in American cities have depended on fa

For many years,people in American cities have depended on farmers in rural areas to grow fruits an

For many years,people in American cities have depended on farmers in rural areas to grow fruits and vegetables.But now a new generation of farmers is planting crops in urban areas.

Sean Conroe is a college student.Amber Banks is a teacher.They both grew up farming and gardening.Sean Conroe and Amber Banks wanted to start a farm in the middle of Seattle,Washington."There are a lot of neighborhoods that don't have access to healthy,fresh produce.And if they do,it can be very expensive.So we see unused space as a great place to grow food ."said AMBER BANKS

Sean Conroe created a website to get volunteers and donations.Within a week,they were offered a plot of land between two houses.He says twenty volunteers worked for six weekends to turn the grassy land into a farm.They call their project Alleycat Acres

问答/343℃/2024-07-27 14:45:45


多年来,生活在美国城市的人都依靠在农村地区的农民种植水果和蔬菜.但现在,新一代的农民在城市地区种植作物.Sean Conroe是一个大学生.Amber Banks是一名教师.他们都从事农业和园艺.Sean Conroe和Amber Banks想在西雅图中部的华盛顿开农场.

“许多社区的人无法获得健康新鲜的农产品.如果他们去买,那要花很多钱.因此,我们认为这未使用的空间是一个伟大的粮食种植地.”Amber Banks说.Sean Conroe创建了一个网站,以获得志愿者和捐赠.一周之内,有人向他们提供了两栋房子之间的一块土地.他说,二十志愿者工作6个星期,把草地变成一个农场.他们称自己的项目为Alleycat Acres.



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