failure 和fail
failure 和fail
our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age
这句里 failure to do?failure不是名词吗 怎么做形容词用了
“our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age”
这个句子里 failure怎么带有形容词的成分了,谁能说明下
问答/399℃/2025-01-11 00:08:32
fail 动词 fail in sth在...方面失败
fail to do sth忘记/没能做成某事
failure 不可数名词 "失败"
可数名词 "失败的人/事"
eg:He failed in the exam.
He failed to get there on time.
Success is the mother of success.
He is a failure as a father.
*our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age中our后面要加名词,所以用了名词failure
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