


1.My top concern

2.If I were the Anhui university...

3.Is it better for a woman to find a good husband than to find a good job?


问答/448℃/2022-10-12 19:58:41


1. It depends on whether you're a college student or just in a high school now .


(If you're now a college student.)

- I wonder right now what you're concerning about most?

- Well , I think it'll be the job.

As most of us undergraduates , I cherish the hope to find a good job as soon as going out of the campus . It can take off some burdens of my family.

- Yet , won't you go on studying? I think it can also be a good choice.

- Um, how to say that...I tend to put it as a waste of time , unless you can attain an offer of a very good university , yet that appears to be a chance in a million.


Then you can expand it .

(About highschool student,I think you can put the point at 'study' or just talk about 'how to get a good mark')

3. (a girl & a boy)

(G) - Of course , a woman must have something to concerning about .

It ('something ' ahead) won't be imprisoned by a husband , or a certain job.

However I prefer to get a good job to make sure my future.

All man cannot be depend on.

(B)- But you can't deny a good husband do bring much to a woman's life :

care , happiness , sense of safety -- lots of things beyond your wildest imagination.

- Yet , what can I do after being abandon when grow old ?

When a younger pretty girl comes to their 'good' husbunds' life , like most stories no matter in reality or just fiction tell -- I suppose no one would ignore them , they pretty young girls seems like 'good' husbands or even 'good' fathers so much-- and at that time , no wives will agree with you any more.

- I should say that it all depends on the man of your choice .

- Things're not carved in the stone .

Yet at least the good job will mostly offer you a certain good future~

Words in the end :

I choose the good job for the good future ,yet if you support the opposite side you can tell whatever you want to say O(∩_∩)O~



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