问答/116℃/2025-03-02 00:19:39
the day you went away
Well I wonder could it be
When I was dreaming about you baby
You were dreaming of me
Call me crazy,call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after al
l of this time
Did I lose my love to someone better
And does she love you like I do I do,
you know I really really do
Oh hey,so much I need to say
Been lonely since the day The day you w
ent away
So sad but true For me there is only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away
I remember date and time
September twenty second Sunday twenty fi
ve after nine
In the doorway with your case
No longer shouting at each other
There were tears on our faces
And we were letting go of something spec
Something we will never have again
I know,I guess I really really know
The day you went away The day you went a
why do we never know what we’ve got unti
l it has gone
How could I carry on The day you went aw
Cause I have been missing you so much I
have to say
Been crying since the day The day you we
nt away
The day you went away
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