求翻译,英翻译汉We document that recent post-IPO banks display very
We document that recent post-IPO banks display very different dividend behavior than newly public nonfinancial firms, and that this behavior is highly predictive of post-IPO outcomes. Whereas only 3.7% of industrial firms going public had initiated dividends 10 years subsequent to their IPO in theFama and French (2001)sample, we find that 59% of banks not already paying dividends pre-IPO had initiated them post-IPO, on average only 1.6 years after going public. Moreover, over half the banks already paying dividends pre-IPO increased their dividend per share by at least 50% after the IPO. (We here and henceforth refer to all banks and thrifts simply as banks and to dividend initiation and dividend increases jointly as dividend initiations.) Dividend initiation has a profound effect on the ultimate disposition of the bank. Specifically, dividend initiation dramatically increases the likelihood that a recent IPO bank will be acquired by another institution, even after controlling for a wide range of bank.characteristics and
performance measures. In addition, conditional on becoming a takeover target, post-IPO dividend initiation predicts a considerably higher takeover premium; the incremental premium associated with dividend initiation averages around 55% of the stock price in the month prior to the takeover announcement.
问答/145℃/2024-08-13 14:25:44
再问: 还有呢?!翻译的真真好啊啊啊