




问答/473℃/2024-06-18 02:07:22


The economical environmentThe fast growth of China's economy. Since 1998, the GDP average growth rate is around 8%. The increase of the disposable income of Chinese people will bring the growth of the consumption on furniture for civil use.The regulate and control on real estate will change th structure of furniture industry. The regulate and control on real extate in China will put much impact on the home furnishing  and construction material industry. The furniture industry will be unavoidable from it. On one hand, the regulate and control on real estate leads to the declining in demand of construction material, on the other hand, the introduction of the so called "security housing" will provide huge market to low level construction material. In next 5 years, China plans to build 36 million set of security housing. Along with these houses entering into market, it will have big impact on the structure of future home furnishing and construction material industries.



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