One
day,
was
a
big
a
and
a
huge
rock
onto
the
一天,下了场大雨。雷击中了山顶,一块大岩石掉到了铁轨上。
saw
what
He
his
Fox
and
“We
must
move
it.
The
will
be
here
in
one
said
海鸥看见了,便叫来了它的朋友们:兔子、狐狸和老鼠。兔子说:“我们必须把岩石移走分伦敦火车就来了,时间离现在在一个小时内呢。”
The
to
move
it.
They
and
but
it
not
“I
said
Fox.
get
Eric
the
He’s
than
all
of
us.”
动物们试着移岩石,推呀推,岩石一点也不动。“我有办法,”狐狸说,“我们把火车头艾利克叫来吧,它比我们都强壮。”
no
said
“没时间了。”老鼠说。
get
“我把它叫来!”海鸥喊。
is
a
rock
on
the
line
and
the
is
very
Eric
his
and
his
All
the
“抢救!有一个大岩石在铁轨上,伦敦火车很快就要来了。”艾利克吹起它的口哨,叫来了它的朋友。所有的火车头都聚集在一起了。
Eric
was
big
and
but
not
very
He
the
to
go
“You
go
Then
said
艾利克又大又强壮,但是速度不快。它让知道路的火车头先走。“你第一个,然后你……”艾利克说,“我跟在你们后头。”
The
but
the
was
火车头们开始比赛,但是伦敦火车已经不远了。
The
The
two
but
the
rock
两辆火车头到了,推呀推呀,还是推不动。
The
was
over
the
伦敦火车已经过了小山。
Two
more
and
they
too.
The
rock
a
but
the
was
the
又有两辆火车头到了,它们也开始推岩石。岩石移动了一点,而伦敦火车已经来到拐弯处了。
do
it,”
said
“它们办不到。”老鼠说。
Then
Eric
He
his
and
with
all
his
He
the
four
and
four
the
艾利克到了,它吹起口哨,用所有的力气推。它推四个火车头,四个火车头推石块。
the
rock
Then
it
and
it
fell
over
the
慢慢的,岩石开始移动,滚得越来越快,一直摔下悬崖。
The
It
past
the
and
the
who
were
on
the
伦敦火车到了,它从在另一条轨道上的火车头和动物们旁边跑过。
The
blew
its
horn
火车吹了它的喇叭“谢—谢—你!”