long
ago,

God
down
at
the
He
saw
that
the
were
very
were
from
each
to
each
and
even
each
God
was
very
很久很久以前,上帝俯视地球。他发现人类表现很坏:人们相互偷窃,相互欺骗,甚至相互残杀。上帝十分气愤。
at
the
gold
that
have
I’m
Ha!
Ha!
Ha!”
“I’m
have
to
give
you.
am
also
“瞧我偷来的金子,我有钱了。哈哈哈!”
“对不起,我一无所有,没有什么能给你,我也很穷。”
at
the
have
They
are
In
his
God
he
had
to
kill
all
the
“I
will
wipe
out
all
of
the
and
the
from
the
wish
had
“看看我创造的人真坏。”愤怒之中,上帝决心把所有的人都毁掉。“我要把地球上所有人和动物全部消灭,我再也不想造他们了。”
But
then
God
saw
Noah
and
his
sons
were
very
hard
on
God
also
saw
that
Noah
was
his
sons
to
be
good
and
let
us
work
and
grow
food
and
We
will
make
an
然而,上帝看见了诺亚。诺亚和他的儿子们都在农场努力工作。上帝也看见诺亚教儿子们要善良、诚实。
“儿子们,让我们一起干活——种庄稼,养家畜吧。我们要过一种诚实的生活。”
So,
God
came
to
will
send
a
to
the
will
die.
But
you
and
your
are
you
will
not
you,
上帝于是来到诺亚跟前:“诺亚,我要给地球下一场暴雨,人们都会死。因为你和你的家人很善良,你们不会死。”
“噢,谢谢你,上帝。”
“I
want
you
to
an
ark.
It
be
and
Noah
to
God.
God.
We
will
it.”
want
you
to
make
a
hole
in
the
top
of
the
ark
for
and
want
you
to
put
a
door
in
the
side
of
the
“想让你建造一个方舟,它应该是300腕尺长,50腕尺宽,30腕尺高。”
诺亚听从上帝:“是的,上帝,我们会建造的。”
“诺亚,我想让你在顶部开一个洞,让阳光照射进去。我还想让你在方舟的一边开一扇门。”
Noah
and
his
wife
and
sons
to
the
ark.
They
made
it
just
as
God
had
told
When
saw
they
at
him.
诺亚和妻子、儿子开始建造方舟,他们完全按上帝说的样子造。别人看到诺亚,便嘲笑他。
“Ha!
Ha!
What
are
you
Noah
”
“I
am
an
“You
are
your
You
are
a
Why
are
you
such
a
boat
”
Noah
did
not
to
Noah
and
his
very
“哈哈!诺亚,你在干什么呢?”
“我在做方舟。”
“你浪费时间。诺亚,你是个笨蛋。为什么你要做一艘十分可笑的船呢?”
诺亚不听这些,他和家人十分努力地工作。
you
have
the
ark
very
want
you
to
get
two
of
–
one
male
one
–
two
two
two
two
and
two
of
Put
them
into
the
“诺亚,你把方舟建得非常好。我想让你收集各种成对的动物——一只雄性,一只雌性。两只鸟,两只猴子,两只狗,两只大象……还有别的成对的动物,把他们放进方舟里。”
we
must
one
male
and
one
from
all
the
in
the
“儿子们,我们必须把世界上的动物都收集齐,并且要一只雄性,一只雌性。”
want
you
to
food
for
your
and
all
of
the
You
will
be
on
the
ark
for
a
very
long
God.
We
Noah
and
his
had
done
what
God
They
put
all
the
food
into
the
ark.
“诺亚,我想让你给所有的动物和你们的家人储存足够的食物,你们会在方舟上呆很长时间。”
“是的,上帝。我们会做到的。”
不久,诺亚和他的家人们做完了上帝让他们做的事。他们把所有食物都放进了方舟里。
have
the
You
must
the
door
and
wait
in
the
ark
the
rain
has
and
the
land
is
dry
it
to
And
it
and
it
It
for
days
and
“快点,诺亚。我要开始下雨了。你们必须关上门,在里面等着,一直等到陆地重新干时。”
然后,开始下雨。下呀,下呀,下了四十个昼夜。
ten
all
of
the
and
were
only
the
tops
of
the
be
was
no
dry
land
days
the
the
sky.
Then
God
And
the
Noah
and
his
十天后,所有的城市和农场都在水下了。二十天后,只能看见山顶了。三十天后,已经没有干的陆地了。四十天后,水快要漫到天上了。
然后,上帝说:“停!”
雨停了下来,诺亚和他的家人等着。
many
Noah
sent
a
bird
out
of
the
ark,
but
the
bird
saw
no
dry
land
so
it
to
the
ark.
“We
must
wait
the
land
is
过了许多天,诺亚把一只鸟放出了方舟,但鸟看见没有干的陆地,便返回了方舟。
“我们必须等到陆地干的时候。”
Many
days
Noah
sent
the
bird
out
of
the
ark
This
time
the
bird
saw
an
tree
on
the
top
of
a
and
a
off
of
it.
the
bird
to
the
ark.
又过了许多天,诺亚又把鸟放了出去。这回,鸟在一个山顶上看见了一棵橄榄树,它把一根树枝摘了下来,衔回到方舟。
When
Noah
and
his
saw
the
they
were
very
God,
the
is
to
dry.
But
we
must
wait
a
当诺亚和他的家人看见橄榄树枝的时候,他们高兴极了。
“谢谢上帝,洪水开始退了。但是我们必须再等几天。”
days
Noah
sent
the
bird
out
of
the
ark.
The
bird
So,
Noah
knew
that
it
had
dry
再过了几天,诺亚又把鸟放出了方舟,鸟从此再也不回来了。这样,诺亚知道它找到了干的地方。
Noah
and
his
sons
the
door
of
the
ark
and
that
the
land
was
dry.
All
of
the
left
the
ark.
诺亚和他的儿子们打开方舟的门,发现干的陆地。所有的动物离开了方舟。
God
came
back
to
you
are
a
good
man,
to
the
with
a
As
a
sign
of
His
God
set
a
in
the
sky.
上帝来到了诺亚身边,说:“诺亚,因为你是一个好人,我承诺以后再也不用暴雨来淹没地球了。”
为了给自己的承诺做个标志,上帝在天空中画出一道美丽的彩虹。