Oh,
how

he
噢,皮特真希望自己会吹口哨啊!
He
saw
a
boy
with
his
dog.
the
boy
the
dog
ran
to
him.
他看见一个男孩和自己的狗玩,男孩吹口哨的时候,他的狗就朝他跑去。
to
but
he
So
he
to
turn
and
he
…
and
…。
皮特试着吹口哨,但是他不会。于是他就用圈来代替,他开始呀,呀……得越来越快……
When
he
and
up
…
and
up
…
and
down
…
and
and
他停下来的时候,每件东西都向下……向上……
又向上…又向下…周围所有东西都在旋。
saw
his
dog,
as
a
he
hid
in
an
on
the
皮特看见他的狗—威利—来了。眨眼间,他藏在了一个人行道上的空纸板盒里。
it
be
if
”
“如果我在这儿吹口哨,会不会很有趣呢?”皮特想。
stop
and
look
all
to
see
who
it
to
he
So
just
on.
“威利会停下来看看周围有谁。”
皮特又试着吹口哨——但他仍然不会,所以威利没有停下来。
got
out
of
the
and
On
the
way
he
took
out
of
his
and
drew
a
long
line
up
to
his
皮特从纸板盒里面钻出来准备回家。回家的路上,他拿着彩色粉笔在地上画了一条长长的线,一直到自家门口。
He
and
to
He
blew
till
his
were
But
他站在家门口又试着吹起口哨来,他吹得自己的腮帮子都累了,还是没吹出声音来。
He
went
into
his
and
put
on
his
old
hat
to
make
feel
more
He
into
the
to
no
他进了家门,戴上了爸爸的旧帽子,这样他会感觉自己已经长大了。他照着镜子练习吹口哨,还是没吹出声音来。
When
his
saw
what
he
was
that
he
was
his
He
come
home
Is
here
”
妈妈看见他干什么的时候,皮特假装他是自己的爸爸,他说:“我今天回来早了,亲爱的,皮特在家吗?”
His
“Why
no,
he’s
with
I’ll
go
out
and
look
for
said
妈妈回答:“没在家,他和威利在外面。”
“好,我出去找他们。”皮特说。
he
a
in
the
Then
he
to
run
away
from
his
他感觉很无聊,想在人行道上走一走。后来,他试着从自己的影子里跑开。
He
off
his
but
when
he
they
were
他从自己的影子上跳,但是落到地上的时候,他的脚又落在影子上了。
He
came
to
the
the
was,
and
who
he
see
but
他来到纸板盒的拐角处,看见了威利。
the
He
blew
and
came
a
real
皮特藏在了纸板盒底下,吹呀吹,忽然,吹出了真正的口哨声!
and
to
see
who
it
was.
威利停下来,看看周围有谁。
me,”
and
up.
race
to
him.
“是我。”皮特边喊边站起来。威利向他跑过来。
ran
home
to
show
his
and
what
he
do.
They
So
did
皮特跑回家去,给爸爸妈妈显示他的本领。爸爸妈妈喜欢皮特的口哨声,威利也喜欢。
him
and
to
go
on
an
to
the
妈妈让皮特带着威利帮忙去一下杂货店。
He
all
the
way
and
he
all
the
way
他一路吹着口哨去杂货店,又一路吹着口哨回家了。