英语词汇练习.谢谢~周日1.What day is before Saturday?2.What day is afte
1.What day is before Saturday?
2.What day is after Wednesday?
3.What day is after Sunday?
4.What day is before Tuesday?
5.What day is two days after Thursday?
6.What day is before Monday?
7.What day is after Monday?
8.What day is before Thursday?
9.What is the first day of the week?
10.What day does school begin?
1.A lemon or an unripe apple tastes
2.After eating a lot or when something can'have more put in it,we say
3.What word means not having enough water,liquid,or moisture?
4.When a person wants a drink they are
5.Something that taste like unsweething tastes of suger or honey is
1.Where do you usually cook meals?
2.Where do you usually wash clothes?
3.Where do you usually hang your clothes?
4.Where do you usually get washed?
5.Where do you usually eat dinner?
6.Where do you usually sit on the sofa and watch TV?
7.Where do you usually park the car?
8.Where do you usually sleep?
拜托阿..谢谢了...5555555- -
问答/439℃/2024-08-06 08:53:57
F1.What day is before Saturday?Friday
2.What day is after Wednesday?Thusday
3.What day is after Sunday?Monday
4.What day is before Tuesday?Monday
5.What day is two days after Thursday?Saturday
6.What day is before Monday?Sunday
7.What day is after Monday?Tuesday
8.What day is before Thursday?Wednesday
9.What is the first day of the week?Sunday
10.What day does school begin?Monday
1.A lemon or an unripe apple tastes sourl
2.After eating a lot or when something can'have more put in it,we say full
3.What word means not having enough water,liquid,or moisture?thirsty
4.When a person wants a drink they are thirsty
5.Something that taste like unsweething tastes of suger or honey is
1.Where do you usually cook meals?kitchen
2.Where do you usually wash clothes?bathroom
3.Where do you usually hang your clothes?wardrober
4.Where do you usually get washed?washing machine
5.Where do you usually eat dinner?dinning room
6.Where do you usually sit on the sofa and watch TV?living room
7.Where do you usually park the car?garage
8.Where do you usually sleep?bedroom
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