歌词含有don't go away的英文歌曲 还有一句it's so happy.女生唱的.
歌词含有don't go away的英文歌曲 还有一句it's so happy.女生唱的.
比较有节奏,歌曲快最后时有 don't go away.
问答/415℃/2024-06-22 14:05:54
waking up i see that everything is ok
the first time in my life
and now it's so great
slowing down i look around
and i am so amazed
i think about the little things
that make life great
i wouldn't change a thing about it
this is the best feeling
this innocence is brilliant,
i hope that it will stay
this moment is perfect,
please don't go away,
i need you now
and i'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by
i found a place so safe,
not a single tear
the first time in my life
and now it's so clear
feel calm i belong,
i'm so happy here
it's so strong
and now i let myself be sincere
i wouldn't change a thing about it
this is the best feeling
this innocence is brilliant,
i hope that it will stay
this moment is perfect,
please don't go away,
i need you now
and i'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by
it's the state of bliss you think
you're dreaming
it's the happiness inside
that you're feeling
it's so beautiful
it makes you wanna cry
it's the state of bliss you think
you're dreaming
it's the happiness inside
that you're feeling
it's so beautiful
it makes you wanna cry
it's so beautiful
it makes you want to cry
this innocence is brilliant,
it makes you want to cry
this innocence is brilliance,
please don't go away
cause i need you now
and i'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by
this innocence is brilliant,
i hope that it will stay
this moment is perfect,
please don't go away,
i need you now
and i'll hold on to it,
don't you let it pass you by
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