问答/347℃/2024-02-05 15:32:34
When Can I See You 我何时能见到你
Written and performed by Babyface 作词/演唱:Babyface
When can my heart beat again 我的心何时能再次跳动
When does the pain ever end 这种痛何时能终
When do the tears stop from running over 泪水何时停止不再流
When does "you'll get over it" begin ”你会忘记过去“何时开始
I hear what youre sayin 我听到你说的话
But I swear that its not making sense 但我发誓它让人无法理解
So when can I see you 那么,我何时能见到你
When can I see you again 我何时能再见到你
When can my heart beat again 我的心何时能再次跳动
When can I see you again 我何时能再见到你
And when can I breathe once again 我何时能再次呼吸
And when can I see you again 我何时能再见到你
When does my someday begin 我的那一天何时开始
When Ill find someone again 那一天我找到真爱
And what if I still am not truly over 如果我还无法忘怀
What am I supposed to do then 那我该如何是好
Please hear what Im sayin 请听我诉说
Even if, if its not making sense 即使我的话你无法理解
So when can I see you 那么我何时能见到你
Hook 重复
Please hear what Im sayin 请听我诉说
Even if, if its not making sense 即使我的话你无法理解
So when can I see you 那么我何时能见到你
Hook 2 times 重复两次
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