找一首一直唱just like that的歌
找一首一直唱just like that的歌
如题,是女孩子用假音唱的“just like that”,听起来唱时像是慢摇,觉得在卡拉OK放挺适合的,应该可以算舞曲.补充一点:音乐频道 Channel V 用这首歌部分来做宣传片,看起来是个演唱会.
问答/475℃/2025-03-18 13:29:08
when I grow up 吗
boys call you sexy
and you don't care what they say
see every time you turn around they screaming your name
boys call you sexy
and you don't care what they say
see every time you turn around they screaming your name
now i've got a confession
when i was young i wanted attention
and i promised myself that i'd do anything
anything at all for them to notice me
but i ain't complaining
we all wanna be famous
so go ahead and say what you wanna say
you don't know what its like to be nameless
want them to know what your name is
'cause see when i was younger i would say
when i grow up
i wanna be famous
i wanna be a star,
i wanna be in movies
when i grow up
i wanna see the world
drive nice cars
i wanna have boobies
when i grow up
be on tv
people know me
be on magazines
when i grow up
fresh and clean
number one chick when i step out on the scene
be careful what you wish for
'cause you just might get it
you just might get it
you just might get it
be careful what you wish for
'cause you just might get it
you just might get it
you just might get it
i used to tell them i was silly
until i popped up on the tv
i always wanted to be a superstar
and knew that singing songs would get me this far
but i ain't complaining
we all wanna be famous
so go ahead and say what you wanna say
you don't know what its like to be nameless
want them to know what your name is
'cause see when i was younger i would say
when i grow up
i wanna be famous
i wanna be a star,
i wanna be in movies
when i grow up
i wanna see the world
drive nice cars
i wanna have boobies
when i grow up
be on tv
people know me
be on magazines
when i grow up
fresh and clean
number one chick when i step out on the scene
be careful what you wish for
'cause you just might get it
you just might get it
you just might get it
be careful what you wish for
'cause you just might get it
you just might get it
you just might get it
i see them staring at me
oh i'm a trendsetter
yes this is true 'cause what i do,
no one can do it better
you can talk about me,
'cause i'm a hot topic
i see you watching me watching me
and i know you want it
when i grow up
i wanna be famous
i wanna be a star,
i wanna be in movies
when i grow up
i wanna see the world
drive nice cars
i wanna have boobies
when i grow up
be on tv
people know me
be on magazines
when i grow up
fresh and clean
number one chick when i step out on the scene
be careful what you wish for
'cause you just might get it
you just might get it
you just might get it
be careful what you wish for
'cause you just might get it
you just
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