英语翻译i began making some dietary and lifestyle changes during
i began making some dietary and lifestyle changes during my second year of college and have been eating this way ever since.i like the way i fee when i don't eat animal foods so much more than the pleasure i used to get from eating them.i have much more energy.i need less sleep.i feel calmer.i can keep an ideal body weight without worrying about how much i eat,and i can think more clearly
问答/377℃/2025-03-11 01:17:35
从大学二年级的时候我开始改变自己的饮食和生活习惯,从那以后都是这样.I began making some dietary and lifestyle changes during my second year of college and have been eating this way ever since.我喜欢这样,不吃肉比吃肉的感觉好多了.i like the way i fee when i don't eat animal foods so much more than the pleasure i used to get from eating them.(这句写得好奇怪,很chinglish).精力也更充沛了.i have much more energy.睡眠则不要太多.i need less sleep.感觉很清新.i feel calmer.即使吃很多也不怕影响到自己标准的体重,而且思维也更清晰.i can keep an ideal body weight without worrying about how much i eat,and i can think more clearly
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