英语高手的进Mr and Mrs White never remember things clearly.They al


Mr and Mrs White never remember things clearly.They always _51___something.For example,Mr White sometimes goes to work on Sunday morning because he thinks it is _52___.And MrsWhite sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family.

One summer,they were going to _53____ to New York for their holiday.They got to the airport only twenty mintues__54___the plane took off.But suddendly Mrs White said she must ___55__ Linda,their daughter,not to forget to lock the front door when she went to school.But then Linda was at school,and they couldn't tell her about it by 56__.So they went to the _57__.Mrs White wrote a short 58___ to Linda ,and Mr White bought a _59___and an envelope; Soon the note was ready; They put the stamp on the envelope and 60___ it in the letterbox.But suddenly Mrs White began to cry.The short note was still in her hand.She had put the plane ticket in the envelope.

51.A.remember B.forget C.do D.buy

52.A.Sunday B.Saturday C.Monday D.sunny

53.A.fly B.drive C.run D.walk

54.A.when B.after C.while D.before

55.A.talk B.speak C.tell D.say

56.A.telephone B.radio C.bus D.now

57.A.post office B.school C.hospital D.airport

58.A.note B.story C.text D.book

59.A.letter B.stamp C.ticket D.pen

60.A.took B.got C.pushed D.dropped

问答/192℃/2024-07-05 06:29:49


51 B

52 C

53 A

54 D

55 C(TELL SB NOT TO DO STH 告诉某人不要做某事,下文有提示

56 A (通过电话)

57 A 邮局

58 A 便条,下一行有提示

59 B(邮票)

60 D 扔进(信箱)



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