有首英文歌 开头是女的 后面是男女混唱 其中女的有句歌词 好像是 my frist car my early boyfr
有首英文歌 开头是女的 后面是男女混唱 其中女的有句歌词 好像是 my frist car my early boyfriend
问答/222℃/2025-03-17 12:11:09
Girl singing in the wreckage--Black Box Recorder
It’s my primary instinct to protect the child
Girl singing in the wreckage
My dress is torn, my hair is wild
Girl singing in the wreckage
My first kiss, my early boyfriend
Girl singing in the wreckage
Wet weekends, new years eve parties
Girl singing in the wreckage
Hour after hour after hour (x2)
My 18th birthday, I’ll die of boredom
Girl singing in the wreckage
My private world is smashed right open
Girl singing in the wreckage
My 1st trip, my expectations
I had a dream that it would end like this
No destiny, No destination
You hit the ground and then it stops
Hour after hour after hour (x2)
Hour after hour after hour (x2)
Hour after hour after hour (x2)
I miss my hometown, it’s nothing special
Call my parents let them know I’ve arrived
My primary instinct is to protect the child
Send the postcard from the airport
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