英语翻译我英语 一直没有及格过,求大侠侠女江湖救急!我们酒店是复古式的度假酒店,在我们这里,你能感受到传统欧洲的风格,这
我英语 一直没有及格过,求大侠侠女江湖救急!我们酒店是复古式的度假酒店,在我们这里,你能感受到传统欧洲的风格,这里不仅有城堡,也有现代建筑.我们欢迎来自世界各地的朋友入住我们酒店.我们酒店四周的风景优美,而且四个季节都适合观光,在春天,在酒店东面,做一个小时的飞机,就能欣赏到百种花朵一起开放.在夏天,在酒店南方,你能做两个小时的火车到达海边,不仅能冲浪,还能和小朋友一起玩沙.在秋天,酒店四周的景色也非常迷人,有红色的枫树,有宝石般的湖泊.而在冬天,这里更是白雪皑皑,54公里外的村落能让你感受到别样的异国情调.对于我们酒店来说,房间价格不仅便宜而且装修都是一流的,我们这里的单人间都配有浴室、电话等,而且只收270元/晚,包早餐.而且,每逢节假日,我们酒店还有不少活动以及优惠政策,列如,情人节的时候,只要是情侣入住我们酒店,房价一律八折优惠,而且我们会为每一对情侣赠送一对玫瑰花,凭此对玫瑰花可以在我们酒店的西餐厅享受一次烛光晚餐(免费).又比如说,儿童节,带着孩子的顾客都能在酒店内部享受到为孩童们准备的游戏和食物等.最后,欢迎大家的入住!
问答/461℃/2024-02-06 07:46:23
用中译英翻译器啊我帮你找了 Our hotel is retro-styled holiday hotel, in here, you can feel the traditional European style, here have not only the castle, also have modern buildings. We welcome friends from all over the world live in our hotel. Our hotel around the beautiful scenery, and four seasons are suited for sightseeing, in spring, in the hotel to the east, one hour of plane, can enjoy 100 kinds of flowers open together. In the summer, in southern hotel, you can do two hours by train reaches the shore, not only can surf, still can play with sand and children. In autumn, the hotel around scenery very charming, red maple, gem of lakes. But in winter, here is white, 54 kilometers from the village can make you feel another exotic emotional appeal. For our hotel is the price of the room not only a cheap and decoration are first-class. Here, we are all equipped with the single bathroom, telephone etc, and only collect 270 yuan/late, including breakfast. And whenever the holidays, our hotel has many activities and preferential policy, listed as, valentine's day, as long as it is lovers live in our hotel, house prices are discount, and we will be for each pair of lovers, by this offered the pair of roses for roses can western restaurants in our hotel to enjoy a candlelit dinner (free). Again, for instance, children's day, take the child of the customers can enjoy in hotel internal for children prepare game and food etc. Finally, welcome everybody to enter!
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