Today ,we are talking about forest fires .I’m Penny Wang ,a reporter ,I am in Indonesia .It is now three o’clock in the afternoon but I can’t see the sky .Thick smog is 26 most of South-East Asia .Thousands of people have eye or breathing problems .Some may even 27 Doctors believe living in this smog is as dangerous as 28 600 cigarettes a day .The firemen can’t 29 the fires .Because they are too big .Only a lot of rain can put them out .But the weather is very dry here and it may not rain for several weeks .How did these terrible fires start May were started by farmers or companies .They use fires to clear the land before they plant new crops 30 rice and rubber trees .Also ,a drought started many months ago .,so the land is very dry .What other problems are the fires 31 Well ,of course thy are very bad for people’s health .And no tourists are coming here .People don’t want to take a holiday in a 32 environment .But the most serious problem is that the fire is 33 the forests .They are thousands of years old .34 you know ,trees are very important to the world and now thousands of them are burning .This will cause pollution in 35 places .
( )26A.full B .covering C.filling D.in
( )27A.sick B.ill C.die D.happier
( )28A.smoking B.smoke C.to smoke D.smokes
( )29A.put off B.put upC.put away D.put out
( )30A.for eg B.such as C.in fact D.in case
( )31A.to cause B.cause C.causes D.causing
( )32A.good B.well C.bad D.worse
( )33Adamaging B.protecting C.avoiding D.stopping
( )34AFor B.When C.As D.Without
( )35A.the other B.many other C.other D.many others
问答/422℃/2024-12-11 12:22:36
B,C,A,D,B; D,C,A,C,B自己做的,不一定是正确的
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